Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cross Examination: Hitchens to Craig

Hitchens: Do you believe that Jesus cast out demons, such as those that were cast into pigs?

Craig: I believe that historically.

Hitchens: Do you believe in the virgin birth?

Craig: Yes as a Christian, but that's not part of my argument.

Hitchens: Do you believe the story in Matthew of all the people coming out of the grave?

Craig: I don't know whether to take it as apocalyptic imagery or as actual events, I've not studied it, but I'm open minded.


  1. Thank you, Paul. =)

  2. and ad hominem... i'm sure...

  3. This just makes me giggle. Hitchens has NOTHING to say aside from appeals to ridicule. I'm sure this, in his mind, a way to "drag Christianity through the mud."

  4. He's just trying to make Craig look absurd to all the atheists out there.

  5. hes gonna say that william lane craig therefore isnt scientific....but thats just circular reasoning!

  6. He's building a case that there are tons of extraordinary claims that lack the extraordinary proof necessary to warrant belief.

  7. Can God still exist even if the virgin birth did not happen or demons never entered pigs? Ad hominem alert!

  8. These are lawyer arguments. He's arguing from the perspective of someone who doesn't accept the possibility of miracles. If God exists then this argument is completely worthless, so it's just evasive and assumed by his own position, which he hasn't proven yet.

  9. Lessons in question begging.

  10. Memo to Hitchens: Craig is not the "church lady" from snl. You will need more substantive arguments.

  11. And Hitchen - may I ask you how the universe began? life? directed panspermia? anyone can be made to look foolish...

  12. extraordinary claims do not require extraordinary prrofs. they require reasonable proofs, the same as any other claim.

  13. but those claims arent extraordinary if God did exist and Jesus was his son. They are actually expected! they are only extraodinary if you assume atheim....but dr WLC has given strong evidence for God already

  14. He's trying to drag Christianity through the mud, yet he has no mud with which to drag it, and instead, he's just spinning his tires on a plot of land laden with thumbtacks, spikes, nails, and sharp glass, and other rubber tearing materials...

  15. Hitchens probably thinks he has a slam dunk argument. He'll probably be quoted in the next post as saying, "Anyone who believes these things is mad! God can't exist!"

    Typical Hitchens oratory though. Assuming something as true which is the very thing in question.

  16. I agree. Hitch is begging the question because the claim for miracles is possible if God exists. Yet so far, Hitch has not proved he doesn't exist.


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