Saturday, April 4, 2009

Opening Arguments - Hithchens (20 minutes)

Mr. Hitchens notes that most of the arguments he hears on the existence of God seem to be similar. He notes that there has been a movement in Christianity recently that Christians are looking for facts for their faith whereas the debater of the 19th century may have relied on faith. He noted Paley's arguments of a watch implying a watchmaker made sense in its day. However, today, we can know that we weren't designed but we evolved.


  1. This argument doesn't work. Evolution doesn't disprove anything!

  2. Paley's argument is still good... teleological...

  3. Evolution was never a good theory

  4. I wish Craig would note that Biblical faith is loyalty based on evidence of prior performance. That more are seeking evidence is a good sign, we are returning to Biblical faith and away from the lazy intellectual crutch that is blind faith.

  5. ... whereas the debater of the 19th century may have relied on faith ...

    Completely clueless about the history of apologetics. Gosh. Where to begin. Thomas Chalmers, Archibald Alexander, Richard Whately, Andrews Norton, Thomas Cooper, B. B. Warfield, J. B. Lightfoot, Peter Bayne, ...

  6. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

  7. Paul,

    Agreed: nothing wrong with the structure of Paley's argument, and if the other guys get to update the science, so should Paley's team. Origin of life, anyone? How 'bout that minimum genome?

  8. Glad everyone seems to be in agreement here...

    Glad that design by evolution is not a possibility in Hitchens' eyes (sarcasm).


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