Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Moral Argument

Craig argues that true morality and ethics must come from God. He notes professor Ruse holds to an evolutionary development that benefits the species. However, Dr. Craig notes that such a view of morality do not state that things like rape is really wrong - it just becomes socially unacceptable. However, a true moral framework holds that certain actions are wrong regardless of their effect on a society.


  1. Unfortunately, I think in this day and age too many just reject that there are absolute morals.

  2. Mark: I know what you mean :(

  3. seems that way. but usually they say "I" think it's wrong which, if you have enough people saying "I" think such and such and the such and such is similar it does sort of point to a cohesion. but, of course, just socio-biological evolution...

  4. It will be interesting to see what Hitchens tries there, though. He's fond of claiming that he has as robust a view of morals as anyone else; indeed, one of his favorite tactics (pervasive in God is not great) is whipping up moral indignation at the misbehavior of religious folk.

  5. I quite like this argument actually, its effective :)

  6. Tim: I'm interested in reading Hitchens book. Has someone written a book in response? I'd like to pick that up along with the God Delusion and the Dawkins Delusion just to get a feel for what people are feeding on.

  7. I've argued that morality comes down to just who has the most power, if there are no objective morals independent of human experience. My opponent didn't agree but I don't remember how much further we took it as it's been awhile.

  8. Eric,

    Perhaps Ed Feser's book The Last Superstition has some stuff on Hitchens. (I haven't read it yet.) Honestly, Hitchens is so poor a thinker that I don't think any professional philosophers will be writing a response just to him.

  9. dinesh dsouzas book 'Whats so great about Christianity" is really good....he quotes richard dawkins, christopher hitchens and other popular atheists frequently and deals with their arugments!


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